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How I Got Started

I have talked about why I wanted to lose weight here and here but I have realized I have never told you how I got started.

First, I had to have the will power to do it.  I have started many-a-times before and have been unsuccessful.  Sure I'd lose a couple of pounds, but always revert back to my fat girl ways.  If you have read eight one of my "WHY" blogs, you will know that this time, something just clicked and I didn't want to be this way anymore. 
This was the picture that changed my mind!
After I decided I wanted to lose weight, I had to figure out how.  I see people talk about eating clean, but if you're like me, I had no idea what that meant.  I also knew I wanted to do this on my own, not diet pills or shakes or magic potions--just me.

I knew I need to get moving and get eating right.

I started with the moving.  I went to the gym with a friend just to try it out.  She had a membership where she could bring someone with her for free.  I did this twice with her, and on the third day when she was unavailable I drove myself up there and joined the gym myself, and that has been my best decision yet.

I started out slow, because I didn't know anything else to do and the weight machines scared me.  I started walking on the treadmill.  I would walk and walk and walk.  Slowly I progressed to doing the circuit room with some weight machines and I loved it.  Plus also I did a lot of squats.  I know gym memberships are something that not everyone can budget it, but the great thing about exercise is you don't have to go the gym to do it.  Walk around the block, do push-ups in your living room, squat in the kitchen, just get moving.  And if you think you can't afford the gym, check out mine 10 Fitness.  Literally it's $10 a month.

After I started moving, I started the eating right.. 

I have done the Weight Watchers program before, many moons ago when it was just the point system and I was just a young 17 year old with the world in front of me.  I lost the weight, but didn't keep it off.  However that program works.  I opted for not buying a membership to the new program and using the stuff I had at home to get started.

After a while, I just started counting calories with the Lose It App on my iPhone (however I don't use it anymore, but it was good to keep track, I recommend it if you are just starting).

I thought exercise was most important, it's not.  Most of your weight loss comes in the kitchen.  And remember if you put crap in your mouth, that's what you feel like, crap.

Now I am eating clean 90% of the time, and feeling like crap when I don't.

Just Remember
You need to take the first step.  Be serious about it.  Change your diet. Get moving.  It's scary, and it's tough.  But nobody said it would be easy.  Anything worthwhile takes time!  Good luck


  1. Hey girl! I just found you through your instagram and kikilarue and mamalaughlin! You are an inspiration!!! Can't wait to read more!
    Lawless Life Blog


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