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Who I Am

Hello everyone!

I am a 26 year old single woman.  I still live with my parents.  Even though sometimes I despise both of those facts, ultimately those are both choices I have made.  I could have gotten married at 23, believe it out not someone actually proposed to me.  However, I knew I would be settling and that wasn't good enough for me.  There was actually another guy that wanted to marry me as well, again, I knew that would be settling.  And yes, I could move out of my parents house and rent an apartment or buy a house.  But, A. I would not like to live alone.  B.  I'd be over at my parents house all the time anyway.  C. If I'm not paying rent, I can buy shoes.
Apparently these facts make me an "outsider" or "weird' or "not right".  I don't really care.

Also, while I am add it, here's some other facts about me.

I like to buy shoes.  I like to buy lots of shoes.  When I'm feeling bad, I will buy shoes.  I will not buy shoes at Pay-Less.  I will not buy shoes at Target.  Don't shame me for buying shoes.
 I love music.  Mostly I love country music.
 I love musicals.  I love to listen to the soundtracks and pretending I'm in the play.
 I love to sing, but cannot carry a tune in a bucket.
I have read every Twilight book and I am excited about seeing the new movie Friday.  So, what if I'm a dork.
Hippos are my favorite animal, I don't care if they are not cute and cuddly.  Neither am I.  I will trample you like a hippo.
No, I'm not pissed off or sick all the time.  Most of time I'm not talking because I think you are stupid and I'm afraid if I open my mouth, I'll tell you that.
I have an XBOX 360, that I absolutely never play games on, I watch movies.  Yes I know that's one expensive DVD player.
I like to paint nails, but I also love to pick nail polish off.  It's a vicious cycle. 
I don't like to talk on the phone (refer to #7), just text me.
I will devour french fries, probably before you can say "hey can I have one of those"
I love my job, even though most days it wears me out.
I would rather Junie B. Jones or Fancy Nancy books than any adult book.
People Style Watch is my staple
I don't like Meatloaf (the food). I like Meat Loaf (the singer).
I am compassionate and give people to the benefit of the doubt too much.  I try to find the teeny ounce of good in people.  It's a blessing and a curse.

This is me.  Take me as I am or leave me.  I have spent 26 years turning into the person I am.  I kind of like me, most days.  But I don't really care if you do or not. 


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