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Waiting To Be Rescued

I think we as woman learn patterns at a young age.  We watch all these fairy tales growing up and think that our lives should be a certain way.  Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Fiona (from Shrek)--they are all waiting to be rescued.  They sit around and wait for someone to come to them and get them out of whatever horrible situation that they are in.  Now, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White have their own special circumstances, being asleep and all, but the other three could have come up with something.  Cinderella had to depend on her Fairy God Mother and Prince Charming  to rescue her from her Wicked Step Mother and evil Stepsisters.  And Rapunzel, if the guy braided her hair and climbed down, why couldn't she.  Fiona was in a tower waiting for "true love's first kiss" to break a spell.  They all are depending on men (or Fairy God Mothers) to save them.

Women watch these Disney classics growing up and think this is how life is supposed to be.  You sit around and think there will be someone to come along and make everything better.  We wait for a Fairy God Mother to show up with her magic wand and turn is in to beautiful princesses.  We don't think we can do it alone.  So we turn to beauty magazines, hair stylist and make-up artist to transform us into a "better" image of ourselves.  We sit around and wait for a man to provide for us, to love us, to care for us and to rescue us from the single status.  

We romanticize love and relationships and love into this one big fairy tale where everyone lives happily ever after.  We get so wrapped up in the happily ever after we don't realize our knight in shining armor is just a loser in aluminum foil.  I'm tired of waiting to be rescued.  I'm sure my Prince is out there, he's just lost and refuses to ask for directions.  But why stay locked up in a tower waiting for him to come to me?  I think we should start a new breed of fairy tales, not ones where the girl sits back and waits, but where she takes action and maybe does a little rescuing of her own.


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