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Dear 16 Year Old Megan

In honor of Throwback Thursday, let's write a letter to myself.

Dear 16 Year Old Megan,

Stop being so down on yourself.  You are not fat.  Ten years from now you'll kill to have that body back  You will look by in envy at your skinny face and flabless arms.

Please stop wearing overalls, and you really need to buy better shoes.  And stop with the butterfly clips.  The images of your bad clothing choices will haunt you for years to come.  Thank God you did, however, lose the boy jeans and decide to buy your jeans from the right department of the store!

Learn how to put on make up, STAT.

Study your math, you're not going to be a professional tennis player, you are going to teach small children, and this Common Core math would be less stressful if you actually paid attention!

Don't stop Weight Watchers or walking.  You don't think you will, but you're going to gain all that weight back, and then some.  Then you're going to be fat and miserable and struggling to get it off for the next ten years.

You really need to do something with that frizzy hair!

We all know that no matter how much you smile about it, you hate your car.  Just wait, your time is coming.  You will have your dream car in no time, in fact you will have some sweet rides in your future.

Calm your butt down.  Your temper causes you to lose your two front teeth, the night before prom.  How lame are you?  So not cool.

Spend more time with your family, you'll miss them when they are gone.

Stop having pointless fights with your friends, believe it or not you will stalk talk and occasionally hang out ten years later.

You will get to kiss that boy you have a crush on, it was worth the wait.

Keep having fun and being adventurous.  You will look back and truly know that this was some of the best years of your life.

27 year old Megan.


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