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Things I wish I Would Have Known In High School

 For some reason tonight I have been thinking about the past.  I'm not sure why, maybe because I am about to be 27, or the fact that my 10 year high school reunion is slowly approaching, or maybe because I put a picture on Instagram and my friend comment "Don't tell me that was 10 years ago," and another friend commented "We are old".  Whatever the reason I have been thinking about the past.  

While thinking about the past I realized what a spoiled, stuck up, jerk face girl I was in high school.  Granted, I had lots of friends and may have even been considered "popular" but did I really deserve all those friends or popularity.  I'm not sure.  

High school was a strange time for me, as I'm sure it was for many of you.  I was coming into my own, trying to decided who I was as a person and who I wanted to be.  I had to find myself, apart from my family and friends.  High school was a time to discover your talents, create yourself into the person you want to be, dream big, make mistakes and have fun.  I did just that, I dreamed big, discovered things about myself, took changed, made mistakes and had a blast doing it.  Luckily, I realized the importance of the moments and cherished them.  I have fond memories of my friends and my classmates and the fun we had and trouble we may have (or have not caused).  That being said, there are somethings I wish I would have known in high school.

1.  You are not as fat as you think you are.  During my junior year I lost 30 some odd pounds going to Weight Watchers.  Even then I still thought of myself as "fat".  Today, after gaining that 30 pounds back, plus about another 40, I would kill to be that size again.
2.  Boys aren't everything!  I was the poster girl for boy craziness.  I had a different crush every other week.  My time was consumed with thoughts of boys.  I never had a real boyfriend until I was in college.  If I could go back, I wouldn't worry about the opposite sex nearly as much as I did.
3.  Don't wear boy pants, ever!  I remember thinking because I was fat I did not need to wear tight girl jeans, and instead of going and trying on girl jeans and having a break down in the dressing room, I just purchased boy move genius (I'm surprised I can even dress myself now).
4.  Product is a must for curly hair.  Call me lazy or whatever, I hated putting anything in my hair and normally had a huge frizz ball or curls on top of my head.  Boy pants and frizz had, no wonder I didn't have boys lining up to date me.
5.  Tennis was not my life.  I loved to play tennis, and still do.  However I was not realistic about my abilities to play tennis.  I was good, maybe even a great high school player, but playing with ranked players now, I was not as awesome as I once thought.
6.  Temper tantrums get you nothing.  Besides emergency dental work.
7.  Spend as much time with the people you love as you can.  I suffered many great losses in high school, and witnessed my friends lose people they loved too.  Anything can happen in the blink of an eye and you will regret the time you didn't spend with your family and friends one day.
8.  A woman in good shoes is never ugly.  If the Carrie Bradshaw me of today would me the high school me of the 2000's....I would kick my own tail.  You should have seen the things I tried to pass off as shoes.

For the many things I didn't know in high school, I did learn a lot.  I learned work ethic from working at Sonic.  I learned to save my money to buy the things I wanted.  I learned the importance of friendships and being there for one another.  I learned that no matter what, your mom will always be your best friend.   If I could go back to high school again, I'm not sure if I would do anything differently, besides maybe dress better.

First Day of our Senior Year 2003

When I wasn't a frizz head in boy jeans, I was a frizz head in sparkly jeans

Look at the skinny face, gah, I thought I was huge :(  (note the frizz head)

Again I thought I was fat!  And fizz head :)



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