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Online Shopping Addicts Anonymous (My Story and Where You Need To Shop)

Hi.  I'm Megan and I have an online shopping addiction.  I have been struggling with online shopping for years now.  I was clean for a few months, but I have fallen back into the nasty web of online shopping again!

Whew, that felt good to get that out. 

I started shopping online with eBay several years ago (speaking of eBay, I need to check to see if I won that item I was bidding on).  I didn't go out of control, after all I was a college kid with a part-time job.  I bought some movies, some Elvis items and a phone case or two.  Then I learned the convenience of shopping online.  I could order sizes that weren't in the store and have them delivered to my door. I still didn't go crazy--that came in the summer of 2012.

Like everybody else in the world, I love a good bargain.  I also love Good Morning America.  This got me in large trouble, because once a week the did a segment titled "Deals and Steals".  You better believe this girl was Dealing and Stealing away.  I ordered one, maybe two items EVERY WEEK.  I'm telling you it was like Christmas at my house.  I got necklaces, bracelets, earrings, purses, tote bags, nail polish, and scarves all at a fraction of the price.  Then a friend turned me on to Zulily which was like Deals and Steals everyday.  I ordered more earrings, pants, tops, dresses, books, and so on.  Another friend then directed me to Very Jane, which again is like Deals and Steals everyday.  Thank you friends for fueling the fire.

Once school started back my online addiction died down, as I was not home daily to watch GMA, and who has time to check Zulily and Very Jane at school (although I do find time to check them daily at home).  That is, until recently.

As you all well know I stalk follow two very popular bloggers, Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg (I plug them all the time, so check them out).  Mama Laughlin was always posting about her tanks from Ruffles With Love.  I checked them out on Etsy, and decided that I would order one of those shirts when I lost 20 pounds (and I did and I love it).  I had to create an Etsy account to do this, and it has lead to two more purchases.  Also, Skinny Meg posted about a sale at Abundant Heart Apparel , so of course I checked that out and ordered one of those (which I also love).  They also turned my on to Kiki La Rue, where I have order two shirts in the last two weeks (one came in today, guess what I love it).

That all being said, if you are in the market for some online shopping, you must check out these sites.  Ruffles with Love and Abundant Heart Apparel have the cutest workout tanks hands down.  Both tanks are cute, comfortable and affordable!! Plus, both shipped fast (Abundant Heart was super fast) and you can tell they take pride in their products.  If you are in the market for some totes adorable and trendy clothes head over to Kiki La Rue.  I just received my first purchase from their today, a hot pink Maddie top.  I tried it on as soon as I got home.  It is cute, comfortable, but I could have sized down (I call this fat girl syndrome, I still think I need the biggest size they have).  I also just got an email that my other shirt is on it's way...yay!  I have recently started following Becka, the owner of KLR on all social media sites, and I personally think she's pretty awesome.  "Thank you Megan" was even hand written on my invoice for my order, who does that anymore?  So basically, if you're in need of some cute, affordable, comfortable clothes from some great people and you don't want to leave you house, check out these sites, you won't be sorry you did (well, unless you're trying to save money).

Shirt from Ruffles With Love, Totally My Favorite Workout Shirt!

It's Fine, I Ran Today from Abundant Heart.


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