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Showing posts with the label Heartbreak

Something Ugly People Say....

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I actually like what I see.  Sometimes I don't.  I'm very aware that I'm not the "pretty girl".  I'm not sure if I ever will be.  I've come to terms with it and I'm ok with that.  I do like to think I make up for my looks with humor and a good personality. I am, honestly, a firm believer in "looks aren't everything".  I do think personality is where it's at.  Somebody told me, not to long ago, "the people who say looks aren't everything are just ugly people trying to make themselves feel better".  Ouch....that was hurtful. There are guys that I would call "hot".  However, in most cases (well, all but one case that I've come across), those "hot" guys are idiots.  One of the most attractive men I know has the personality of a rock.  I think it would be more fun to watch grass grow than going on a date with.  Yes, he's fun to look at but I'm sure my

For The Record, This Has Nothing To Do With Cooking

*All the names and locations have be changed to protect the innocent, mainly me. I am a college educated, 25 year old woman. Ask me the difference between a homograph and a homophone and I can tell you.  Ask my advice on what classroom management method I prefer and I can give you my answer.  Ask me advice on dating and men, I have nothing.  Take a trip with me on my journey of singlehood and my attempt to be Single and Fabulous!.