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Things I've Learned From Sex and the City

I was a little young (and we couldn't afford HBO) when Sex and the City came on TV.  I remember going into After Thoughts at the Indian Mall when I was around 13 and seeing a bunch of stuff that said "I'm a Carrie" or "I'm a Samantha".  I had no idea what that meant then, but thanks to TV on DVD and reruns on TBS (and two movies) I know exactly what it all means now.

While some would argue that Sex and the City is trash and the women are overindulgent and promiscuous (and that may be a little true), I still think women can learn a lot from the lives of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte.  Here are some things I have learned from Sex and the City.

  • There are worse things in life than being single.  Let's look at Samantha Jones shall we.  In Sex and the City 2 Samantha is 52 years old and not married.  She is successful and knows how to get what she wants.  Who cares if she doesn't have a ring on her finger.  She rocks.
  • Things aren't always what the seem.  On to Charlotte.  Charlotte, like Samantha, knew what she wanted.  Unlike Samantha she wanted to get married and have children.  When she found Trey she knew he would be the perfect husband, until they get in the bedroom.  Let's just say there were issues there (and you know to have children you don't need issues in the bedroom).  They eventually separate because of the issues.  They get back together and once they find out Charlotte is highly unlikely to get pregnant and Trey decides he may not be ready for kids, the separate for good.  Not so perfect after all.
  • It takes half the time you were dating somebody to get over them.  According to Charlotte if you dated a guy for a month, you can grieve over the break up for two weeks, if you dated 3 months it you should be upset for a month and half.  This is a rule I attempt to follow
  • Don't stop thinking about him even for a moment, cause that's the moment he will appear (break up rule #4).  He may not appear, but he will text or call or something goofy.  After Carrie and Big break up at the end of Season 1, the first episode of Season 2 is when Carrie is trying to bounce back.  She is dating "The New Yankee".  While having fun at a bar with "The New Yankee" Carrie sees Big and is immediately reminded of the heartbreak.  Yeah, we've all been there.
  • If your single, it's ok to treat yourself.  When a friend shames Carrie for spending so much money on shoes, she points out that once you graduate college, if your single there is nothing to celebrate you.  "Hallmark doesn't make a 'congratulations you didn't marry the wrong guy" card and you don't get flatware for going on vacation alone".  Carrie also reminds you that it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes that's why they need really special shoes every once in a while to make the walk more special.
  • Don't settle for less than butterflies.  Carrie is on a quest to find love and will not settle for anything less than butterflies.  She often says she's not the kind to get married and raise a family.  Which is something I think she says because she doesn't feel like she'll find the person to marry.  Or well, that the person she loves, Big, doesn't want to marry her.  She knew he gave her butterflies and while she dated others (Aidan) she never gave up.  I'm a huge Aidan fan but like Charlotte, I always knew Big and Carrie would end up together (even after the 17 break ups and the him standing her up on their wedding day). 
  • Sometimes it's better to be alone than faking it.  There's no need to fake a relationship, that leads nowhere, someone ends up hurt, not pretty.
  • Shopping is always possible, even with broken bones.  Carrie and Samantha go shopping while Samantha has a broken toe.  Samantha says he toe hurts.  Carrie asks her why they are shopping if it hurts so bad.  Samantha responds "I have a broken toe not a broken spirit."
  • You're never too old for sparkles.  While Samantha is shopping for a dress for Smith Jerrod's premier, she finds the "perfect dress".  When the saleslady asks her if she thinks it's "too young", Samantha tells her that she is "Fifty-f---ing two" years old, and yes she will wear what she wants.
  • Take your vitamins and wear your Spanx.  In Sex and the City 2, Samantha tells the girls she's tricked her body into thinking it's younger by taking two handfuls of vitamins.  Miranda tells the girls she's tricked her body into thinking it's thinner by wearing Spanx.
  • No matter how many men come and go you can count on your friends.  Samantha said it best "We made a deal years ago.  Men, babies, it doesn't matter we're soul mates".  No matter what happens, you're friends will always be there when the jerks break your heart.
There you have it. The lessons I've learned from the Sex and the City girls.  They have truly taught me how to be Single and Fabulous.


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