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Excuse Me. Where Is Your Instruction Manual?

When you purchase new electronics--cell phones, iPods, TV, Game Systems, even Cars--you get an instruction manual.  It will tell you how to turn it on, how to shut it off, what this or that button does, and what it means when certain lights come on or symbols pop up.  Granted, I don't look at an instructional manual until something goes wrong or I see those little symbols that I have no idea what it means, but they are handy to have around.  Like when my Wii wouldn't turn on.  I went to the booklet that came with it, solved the problem and went on with my life.  Or when this little symbol popped up on the Altima, I got my book out, saw went it meant fixed the problem, symbol went away.

This makes me wonder why men don't come with instruction manuals.

Think about ladies, how much easier would life be if you had a little book that told you what every grunt, sigh, hand gesture, look, text message and action meant.  With the world the way it is today most communication doesn't occur face-to-face anymore.  You hardly even have voice-to-voice communication anymore.  Most conversations between people my age occur through text messages and the Internet chat.  Without being able to see body language or even hear the tone in their voice, it's hard to tell what the other party means.

  Men are always telling me that women are so hard to understand.  And I know that we can be complicated, but I've come to find out men are just as bad, if not worse than we are.  Maybe they are so hard to understand because society doesn't make them out to be.  Men are supposed to be simple.  Women are supposed to be difficult, the complicated ones.  We are the ones that have hidden agendas and have hidden messages in what we say.  Some men are straight forward, mostly the ones you don't want to be with, not the ones you want to take home to mom.

There's another type of guy--The ones that don't mean what they say or say what they mean.  Dumb-bunny me thinks "Let's hang out soon" means just that, "I like your company and want to see you soon".  Apparently it means "I'm going to be evasive and not answer your text for 3 weeks, but then pop up like everything is fine, but then disappear again".  See, if he had a instruction manual I wouldn't have sent those text that went unanswered.  Then there's "I don't want to talk you".  Ok, that's straightforward enough, right?  Wrong!  Apparently this one meant, "I don't want to talk today, but next week I'll start chatting on Facebook, then send you random text everyday to play with your mind".  I'm still trying to decide if this means, I'm going to stop talking to you later again, or let's be friend, or I like to make you miserable.  How are we supposed to know if not answering a text means "I'm playing hard to get and trying to make you think I'm busy" or "I really just don't want to talk to you". It gets really annoying trying to figure out what the meaning behind every word, action, or text is.

I guess I either need to let go of the need comprehend everything or find a man that comes with instructions.


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