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Memorial Weekend

Yea, so it's Wednesday and I'm just now getting to typing about my weekend.  Sue me.

I had a pretty fantastical weekend.  Thursday and Friday I got out of school at 1:30.  That was nice.

Friday night I saw the Hangover III.  I laughed, a lot.  And may have had a small popcorn, with a little bit of butter,  for dinner.  The movie was not as good as the first one, or even the second one, but it was still funny.

Saturday morning I was up early for a road trip with the bestie! 
Best Friend Road Trip
We started our day in Hardy.
In downtown Hardy

Where we stopped at my favorite place, the Candy Store.  When I was little my mom's family would rent a cabin in Hardy for a nice little family vacation.  My favorite part of said vacation was going to this candy store, what can I say, I've always been a fat kid with a sweet tooth.  However, as I've grown older this Candy Store is not as immaculate as it was in my memory.  However I did get some Jelly Bellies, wax bottles, and lemon drops (and maybe some fudge).  After our venture to the candy store, we went into several flea markets.  Katie was looking for a door stop and I was looking for records.  Well, after much searching we both hit the jackpot.  After we looked through countless records, we finally found the motherload.

I found this gem, with Harper Valley PTA on it  You can see what I do with it later.
After our venture in Hardy, we went to eat lunch.  I successfully order the salad bar and a turkey burger (and fries).  Then we continued our adventure and put our feet in the river.  Then drove to some place in MO that I can't even start to spell and stocked up on some cute things.  Then we went to West Plains were I bought some colored jeans for $9.90 at Maurice's.  Then we started on our way home.  It was a fantastic day with fantastic company.  It is so good to go and laugh all day.  Literally we laughed all day.

When we got back to Katie's I got to crafted with my prized possessions I had found.

Katie's Record Bowl -- Little Jimmy
I had a Sunday Funday with my mom and brother.  We went to town and shopped around.  Then we (read they) cooked out.  We had a shrimp boil and it was a-maz-ing!

Monday I had a wild hair.  Luckily my partner in crime has wild hairs too.  We ventured to the river.  Where we sat and relaxed and may have jumped off a rope swing.  It was another great day.  I am already making plans to go back.

River Rats
Also, I have now declared Monday Motivation Monday (instead of Man Crush Monday) on my instagram.  This is the picture I posted on MM.

Monday and June 2012.
And for some Motivation on Wednesday I LOST 3 POUNDS THIS WEEK!!!!  The scale had been stuck at a standstill for almost two months!  TWO MONTHS with not loss but no gain either.  It was depressing, especially since I was working my butt off at the gym.  I also got sooooo tired of hearing "muscle weighs more than fat, you're gaining muscle".  I didn't give a rat's butt if I was gaining muscle, I wanted to lose weight.  I'm glad to finally see the scale move in the right direction.

Have a great rest of the week!


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