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Chubby Girl Chronicles

This weekend I completely failed slipped up.  I am an avid stalker, er reader of a few blogs.  One of my favorites is Mama Laughlin.  She will have what she calls "Fat Girl Fridays" where she goes out to eat when her coworkers.
Friday I had a Fat Girl Friday.
Well let's start with the whole week.
I ate out a grand total of five days.  I went to the gym a total of twice.  EPIC EPIC EPIC FAIL!

Last week I was feeling a little under the weather, I didn't sleep much Sunday night, so Monday when I got home I went to bed almost as soon as I got home.

I started off good.  Tuesday I had dinner with the girls.  I ate really good the first part of the day.  I went to the gym and did my circuit.  After that I went to Zumba.  I burned a looooooot of calories.  Then we went to dinner.  I had 5 cheese bites.  I ordered a hamburger steak (not the best choice but it was tasty) and green beans.  (BTW I love my girls).  I put it in my calorie counter and life was good.

Wednesday, I had a unplanned dinner with a friend.  I had stuck to my calories all day.  I made it to the gym (and even went to dinner without retouching my make-up and spraying some smell good on).  I ordered sensibly (blackened tilapia and sauteed mushrooms and only ate half).

Thursday I went to see Mary Poppins at the Orpheum.  We always go out to eat before, so I watched what I ate all day.  We ate a Pearl's and again I ordered tilapia.

Friday, it all went down the drain.  I went out to eat with my mother.  I ordered a grilled shrimp salad and ate a half of it.  But I didn't log it.  Then, I went to see a friend.  We went to Sonic.  I ordered a milkshake.  A small one, but it was still a milkshake.  It was good, really good, extremely good, and I'm glad I had it.

Saturday, I didn't log anything.  Not a single thing I ate went down, anywhere.  But I slipped.  I had a Coke (for you nonsoutherns that's any soda, the soda I had was a Sprite).  I hadn't had a Soda or wanted one in months.

Sunday...... Sunday was bad terrible.  I ate, a lot.  German Roasted Nuts may or may not have been consumed.  I may have eaten some fried pickles.  I may have ordered a fried chicken sandwich with some fries.  I only ate a fourth of the sandwich and maybe ten fries before I felt miserable.  I also went to my brothers to watch the Walking Dead.  He cooked.  I won't go into details but I ate a lot then too.
Again nothing was logged.

Today, I got back on track.  I logged everything I ate and I went to Zumba.  My inner fat girl wants to come out, bad.  I want to eat everything in sight, but I haven't.  I've had to tell myself all day "When you feel like giving up, remember why you started."  I have to remember why I started.

Words for the wise:  LOG EVERYTHING!  WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU EAT!  Even the bad stuff you don't want to.

And to end on a high note, someone asked me today for a workout tip today.  That was pretty awesome.

Have a great day people!


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