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These are a few of my favorite things

I'm not feeling witty or cynical today.  I thought I would make some suggestions of things I think you should like.

  I love Genva watches.  You can't be them.  They are comfortable, cute, and you can get them to match anything.  I like the silicone watches a lot, like the ones pictures, but I also have on metal one that is great too.  They come in all kinds of colors.  They have normal and funky.  I have a black one with all different color flowers on the face, super cute.  I believe it's my favorite one.  I think you should go buy a watch or two.  You can find them at Halmark

My Nook Color is the best thing I have purchased in a long time.  I have always enjoyed reading, but I never read much.  I bought my Nook three weeks ago today and I am now reading my 5th book.  I love reading in bed, it makes me sleepy.  My least favorite part about reading in bed is when I'm done and I have to get up and turn off my light.  Since I'm out of bed I figure I should probably go ahead and use the restroom.   And then I realize I'm kind of parched, so I go and get a cup of water.  That makes the cat want some water or food so I feed and water the cat.  By the time I get back to bed, I'm not sleepy anymore. I can read my Nook in bed and I don't have to get up and turn off my light.  It's great, if you read, you need one.

Adele's Album 21.  If you haven't bought/dowloaded/listened to the CD, I highly recommend it.  Her voice is so unique.  You don't hear much like her anymore.  And while her songs are catchy and have good beats, they are also real and having amazing lyrics.  She doesn't rely on the heavy beats and computerized music I hear on the radio a lot today, but she relies on her voice and her lyrics.  You need to get this TODAY.

Glee is one of the funniest shows I believe I have ever seen.  I love the music, the one liners, and the way they aren't afraid to push the envelope.  Jane Lynch is one of the funniest people I have ever seen on TV.  She has great timing and the best one liners there are.  Lea Michele has a great voice and Matthew Morrison is fun to look at.  Best show on television, I think so.

I adore TOMS.  I love their "One for One" idea.  Every time you buy a pair of TOMS they give a pair to a child without shoes.  I own several pairs: silver glitters, black glitters, burlap, crochet, journey, red zebra, dear to teach and dots.  I love them.  They are very comfortable.  Well, I had a slight issue with the teacher TOMS, but I'm sure they will ease up.  They start a little tight, but they always stretch out.  I can wear them with everything, and I can work all day in them.

My 2011 Mustang!!!!  It is the prettiest thing I have ever seen!!  I love everything about this car. I love the color.  I love the interior.  I love the fact that my inside lights are pink.  I love that I have Sync and I can talk to people through my speakers.  I love that it goes fast.  I love the noise it makes.  This is what loves feels like.

Giani Bini "Jackpot" Boots.  I have 4 pairs: red, black, brown and gray.  I love them.  I love wearing them in the fall/winter.  The red ones are my favorite.  They are very comfortable and stylish.


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