So.... Yeah.... Today wasn't the best. Went to the doctor about my foot. Nothing major. I got a cortisone shot in my foot, it wasn't pleasant. It is feeling better now. Anyways, I joined Women Can Run Monday. I'm pretty excited about it. I am really doing good with running and I'm proud of myself. Maybe once I get this foot taken care of it will all be better. I made a kick butt recipe tonight. I had asked Mama Laughlin for a "skinny" sweet recipe for potluck tomorrow via Keek (awesome app, you make a 36 second video and upload it). She gave me a suggestion to look at her blog (link above) for Cheesecake Sopapillas. OMG They are AMAZING!! So simple. 2 cans of reduced fat Crescent Roles 2 packages of reduced fat Cream Cheese (8 oz) 1 cup of Splenda 1/2 cup cinnamon/splenda mix (I used mostly sugar more than 1/4 cup) 1 stuck unsalted butter. 2 teaspoons vanilla Take one can of rolls and put...
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