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Showing posts from December, 2016

Let's get some things straight

First thing's first, don't think I will type something every day, I won't. Secondly, apparently some folks think I am not happy.  That is totally not the case.  I know I did at one point in my post last night refer to this point in my life as a "season of sadness".  I did not mean necessarily mean I am sad and you should feel sorry for me (or offer up your advice on finding a man).  This year has sucked.  And it has nothing to do with a man. I am content as I am.  It took me 30 years to like myself and the person I am and I will not start feeling sorry for myself again.  Yes, there are times it would be nice to have a man.  It would be nice to have a relationship, someone to spend time with, and someone to share life with.  However, I know what I want.  I know what I don't.  And I know what I will not settle for. I will not settle for less than what I want or less than what I deserve.  I would rather be alone and unha...

Hello, It's me!

Hey!  Remember me?  It's just been a year or two.  I guess I felt like I ran out of things to say.  Or maybe I thought I wasn't interesting.  Then I realized tonight, I missed typing my feelings for the world (or the three people that read my thoughts). Let's see, what has happened.... Nothing interesting I'm sure. I'm 30, that's new. I'm single, that's not. I'm brunette again, but I guess the blog word didn't see the blonde.  I gained all the weight I lost back, so there's that. I have been struggling lately, with just about everything.  Mostly, I am on the single struggle bus.  I have a bus pass and keep chugging along. I guess at this time of year it gets worse; everyone is getting engaged, announcing the are expecting, or starting new relationships.  And while I can rejoice with my friends in their seasons of happiness, I can't help but mourn my season of sadness.  Sometimes the season seems to drag on. I guess wh...