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Showing posts from June, 2014

100 Days Of Happy

Hello world! So I have been a slacker.  My bad. I guess it's a good thing nobody reads this crap. Ok, so.  Point of this post.  I'll get to that now, I suppose. There's this challenge going around the social media world, 100 Happy Days.  The point is that people suck at being happy and this is a little experiment to see if people can find one thing every day that makes them happy. And over 100 days everything is supposed to be rainbows, butterflies, unicorns and glitter.  I am paraphrasing of course. According to their website, 71% of the people that have started this challenge have quit, saying that they don't have time. Apparently we live in a culture where we don't have time to be happy. This concerns me. However, we all know I am not the happiest person.  Actually, currently I am not happy at all. Well, if we are being honest with each other it goes deeper than not being happy.   Hurt, angry, enraged, upset, aching, pissed, confused. Yeah...