I know it's hard to believe that I can be serious for a minute, but I'm going to try. I know things are hard to explain to people and somethings don't require explanations, but I wanted to set some things straight. When I was a girl, 8 or 9, I don't remember, I prayed a prayer in a bathroom at a sleepover. I went forward in church the next Sunday at church and was baptized a few weeks later. I went to church, did what I was supposed to do. I was sure that was enough. Until I was a teenager. I was at church camp and felt a tug. Thinking it was just emotions I ignored it. Then when the speaker said "No Change No Jesus", something hit me. I was still living like nothing happened. I prayed another prayer and went on with life. My pastor told me for years that I needed to be baptized again, but I didn't see the point in it. Fast Forward: 10 years later. God had been laying it on my heart that I needed to be baptized again....
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